
The highlight of the Ekya Early Years program is the Quest Program. It is the perfect opportunity for the students to engage in discussions and conversations that will begin to set them off on an inquiry cycle. The Quest curriculum fosters skills and brings contextual information about the world around them that is interesting enough to hold the student’s interest and attention.

Learning Area Purpose

The Quest Program enables learners to

  • Cultivate a mind of curiosity and inquiry
  • Participate in various sensorial and stimulating experiences
  • Critically think and make sense of the information given to them

The Quest Program engages students in discussions and conversations that initiate an inquiry cycle. The Quest curriculum fosters essential skills and introduces contextual information about the world, designed to captivate students’ interest and attention. Topics are carefully chosen to pique children’s curiosity and enable them to think independently and critically. Through this process of inquiry, children enjoy interactions, collaborative discussions, and individual portfolio assignments, making learning both engaging and meaningful.

Core Concepts and Skills

  • Questioning
  • Predicting 
  • Observing
  • Hypothesising
  • Communicating
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